So you're in university now, and if you're anything like me, there's no shortage of things to do. There are assignments that need to be done for classes as well as work that needs to be completed and projects which require your time. How can one find time for all these different tasks? Here are ten tips on how to manage your time during your university career!
-Write down everything that is required of you in a day. This will help to keep track of your time and not forget anything important.
-Learn about the deadlines for assignments, projects and tests so that you can plan ahead what needs to be done when based on due dates.
-Break larger tasks into smaller ones - this way it becomes much easier to manage one small task at a time instead of trying to complete an entire assignment or project at once!
-Take care of as many things as possible right away so they don't pile up around you later on and distract from other work. For instance, if there's something like dishes piling up in the sink, do them now rather than letting them sit until next week.
-Stay organized and clean! It'll be easier to find things when you need them if everything is in its place, and it will also help avoid procrastination because there won't be any distractions from the mess around you.
-Create a list of chores that needs to be done for each day - this way tasks are on your mind during the day rather than waiting until they can pile up later on at night or over the weekend.
-Pace yourself by taking breaks so as not to burn out - even though you might feel like working nonstop, take care of yourself too! Use time outside of university (even just ten minutes) to get away from screens and social media so that your brain has a chance to rest and recharge.
-Prioritize tasks based on what is most important - if you have a lot of time left for the day, allocate this time towards more challenging work rather than easy assignments that can be completed in an hour or two. This ensures that you are always doing your best with high calibre material!
-Learn how to say no! It's okay not to do everything at once, so don't feel guilty about it! Plus, telling people "no" will free up space in your schedule and help prioritize what needs done first.
-Stay organized by rereading all emails from professors before deleting them as well as keeping track of deadlines within class syllabi/calendars. Emailing professors with any questions can be a helpful way to stay on top of assignments and due dates.
-Keep your workspace tidy! It's actually proven that doing so will make you more productive because it'll be much easier for you to find things when needed as well as feel less distracted by the clutter around you.